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Caravan, Country and Seashore Codes

Caravan, Country and Seashore Codes outline the conduct of CAMC members.

Every Member, as a condition of membership of the Caravan and Motorhome Club, agrees to observe these codes. Therefore, it is your duty to know them and to ensure that the same applies to your family and friends who may be with you. The success of the Caravan and Motorhome Club is due, very largely, to the high standards that The Club expects of its members.

The Caravan Code

1. The Caravan

a) The Caravan (whether trailer or motor caravan) is a vehicle specifically designed for caravanning. Its appearance and colour are appropriate and do not offend public opinion.

b) It is regularly serviced so that it is safe in all aspects when towing on the road and on site.

2. On the Road

a) Selection of trailer caravan and towing vehicle allows adequate performance in line with the towing code. (See Sites Directory for details of the Towing Code)

b) The caravan complies with all Road Traffic Acts and other relevant Regulations; in particular, there should be an adequate view to the rear of the caravan.

c) Where the caravan is a trailer towed by a vehicle, it is insured against third party risks. This must cover the caravan when detached, as well as attached, to the towing vehicle.

d) Particular attention must be paid to those sections of the Highway Code relevant to trailer caravans.

3. On the Site the Member

a) Pitches on private land only with the express permission of the owner.

b) Places his caravan where it will not interfere with the convenience or enjoyment of others.

c) Avoids damage to turf by digging holes only when absolutely necessary and replacing turf where possible. He also uses his vehicle with consideration.

d) Disposes of all rubbish by the means provided on site. If no receptacles are provided, rubbish is taken home for proper disposal.

e) For touring, other than on sites equipped with toilets, he carries his own sanitary equipment, comprising a chemical toilet and suitable fluid. He empties this only at the point provided.

f) Collects waste water from the caravan outlet(s) in a suitable container which he does not allow to overflow and foul the ground. In the case where no disposal point is provided he minimises fouling by distributing the waste water over a considerable area such as along a hedge.

g) Allows neither children nor animals to spoil the enjoyment of others by keeping them under control.

h) Drives very slowly and quietly when on site. Walking pace i.e. less than 5 MPH.

i) Respects the privacy and peace of others at all times and avoids singing, loud radio or TV, use of a generator or other noises at an hour when it would reasonably annoy others.

j) Ensures that any laundry necessarily hung outside the caravan is displayed as discretely as possible.

k) Keeps his pitch neat and tidy, with no loose equipment outside the caravan beyond what is necessary or appropriate, and he leaves his pitch as clean as or cleaner than he found it.

l) Observes the Country Code and Seashore codes as set out in the following pages.

4. General

At all times, on the road or on site, every caravanner shows courtesy and consideration to all comers so that the goodwill of the general public towards carvanners is maintained and improved.

The Country Code

1. Guard against risk of fire

Hay and heath land catch alight easily and once ablaze are very hard to put out. Remember fire spreads quickly.

2. Fasten all Gates

Fasten all Gates.

3. Keep your dog under control

Keep your dog under control. If there are farm animals about, keep your dog on a lead.

4. Keep to the public paths across farmland

Keep to the public paths across farmland.

5. Use gates and styles to cross hedges, fences and walls

Use gates and styles to cross hedges, fences and walls.

6. Leave livestock, crops and machinery alone

Leave livestock, crops and machinery alone – view from a distance.

7. Take your litter home

Take your litter home – it is unsightly and harmful to wildlife.

8. Help to keep water clean

Help to keep water clean.

9. Take special care on country roads

Take special care on country roads.

10. Protect wildlife trees and plants

Protect wildlife trees and plants.

11. Make no unnecessary noise

Most animals are very timid, noises can disturb them unnecessarily. If you want to get the best out of the countryside go quietly.

The Seashore Code

1. Show respect for creatures

Leave animals where you find them – never take them home.  Turn back any rocks you have moved. Leave seaweed in place – there is plenty lying loose on the strand line.

2. Take photographs not living animals

If you are collecting shells make sure they are empty. Don’t buy coral, shellfish or urchins as souvenirs – these would have been alive when collected.

3. Drive on roads not beaches

Cars, bikes and sometimes too many people can easily damage beaches and particularly sand dunes. Use designated car parks and footpaths

4. Be careful near cliffs

Don’t throw or push things over cliff edges, not only is it dangerous, it can drastically increase the rate of cliff erosion and kill or disturb wildlife. You also cannot see if anyone is at the bottom of the cliff.

5. Avoid disturbing wildlife

Keep your distance – watch through binoculars. Keep dogs well clear of birds and other animals.

6. Observe byelaws and be considerate to others

Observe byelaws and be considerate to others.